The official Internet home of lovable scamps.

February 28, 2008

#150 On the Street (Where You Live)


Finally, the plot kicks in. Sorry about the “scriptwriting break.” I got no scripts written!

Is Professor Henry Higgins a public domain character? God, I hope so.

On a street corner, Eskimo holds a sign reading OBSERVE MY SILENT CONTEMPLATION $1. Across the street a bum snoozes. Two bespectacled individuals walk down the street in rapt conversation.
HIGGINS: If you are denying that speech patterns affect perception, you stand alone in opposition to decades of–
PICKERING: I am not saying that, I just don’t think the field is ready for a resurgence of prescriptivism!
HIGGINS: Nonsense. Simple education could eliminate vocal classism. Why, in just six weeks I could pass off any beggar on this street as royalty.
PICKERING: I’ll take that bet. How about that guy?
HIGGINS (indicating Eskimo): That gamine guttersnipe, for example. Hallo there! Yes, you, you squashed cabbage leaf.
ESKIMO: Salutations, good sir.
HIGGINS: She’s so deliciously low!
PICKERING: I’m not putting a lot of money on this.

« « #149 That’s The Way I’m Going Archive #151 MY FAIR LANCE AND ESKIMO » »

1 Comment »

    Oh I can just PERCEIVE the uppercrust science-lust in his voice in the last panel!

    Please send more soon, I’ve developed violent shakes during The Drought. I need my fix man, don’t hold out on me man…..

    Comment by PlasmaDavid — February 28, 2008 @ 4:19 pm

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Lance and Eskimo, written & drawn by Laura Hughes. Webcomic 2007-present; stories & characters developed 1998-present. Come for the surreal parody, lovable scamps, and persistent homoeroticism, stay for the passing flashes of quality!

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