
The Official Sailor Moon Bingo Board

L U N O !
The Wink
Irresponsible Captain Serena
Klutzy Serena
End-of-Show Laughter
Speaking with Eyes Closed
Meatball Head
Amy the nerd
Someone has a crush on Serena or Darien (not Serena or Darien)
"Oh, Darien!"
Moon tiara magic
"Take that, Nega-trash!"
Free Space
Unison Speaking
"Wow, a talking cat!"
Group attack
"Hunk," "Dreamboat," "Studmeister"
Raye's Grandpa
The Leap
Chef Lita
Raye Snaps
Mouth 80% of head size
The Sailor Speech
Sailor Say What??
"-- Attack!!"

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Explanation of all the squares

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