| Anime Sound fX | |
| Over the Top | |
| Avatar | |
| Mouth 80% of head size | |
| Physically impossible eyebrow tricks | |
| The Anime Hand Signal | |
| Inappropriate Emotion | |
| Kawaii! | |
| Why do stars suddenly appear? | |
| Let's Look at Machines! | |
| Making Faces | |
| Fantastic Fighting | |
| Animation by Billy, Age 8 | |
| The Wink | |
| Blushing | |
| The Fall | |
| Because it's the future | |
| Background/ Foreground Realism Contrast | |
| Visible Sigh | |
| Craven Cowering | |
| Breeze rustles through hair | |
| Eyes Visible under Hair | |
| Crazy Symbolism | |
| The What? Factor | |